Device management system
A complete connection is established between the “Device management system” and E-Bike App & IoT Device. The system collects the return usage data associated with the E-Bike system and device. Remote management is implemented by the system for all the E-Bike system devices (e.g., battery, motor, controller, E-Bike computer, IoT Device, E-Lock).

Easy to use
The front-end data fields may be adjusted if required, to help companies manage the system more conveniently and perform troubleshooting more efficiently. The system may even further analyze product use data, assist in product optimization and upgrade and create a better user experience.

Key Advantages
- Device status and critical data lookup
- Device version management
- OTA firmware update management
- Device list import and export
- SIM Card data traffic usage management (for IoT Device)
- Remote control and vehicle location lookup (for IoT Device)
- Customizable for critical data collection and lookup

Connect your bike Ride the future

- ● E-Bike brands
- ● Bike brands
- ● Micromobility sharing/rental operators, such as E-Bike and E-scooter